Unser Gospel-Repertoire
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Unser Repertoire
Wir lieben gefühlvolle, aber auch temperamentvolle Stücke, die ausdrücken, was uns berührt und wichtig ist – und wo wir uns wiederfinden in Text und Musik”
Auszug aus unserem Repertoire
10000 reasons (bless the Lord)
Brige over troubled Water
Don’t stop believin
Freedom is a voice
From this Moment
God is
God so loved the world
God’s gift to mankind
Hallelujah, salvation and glory
Hallelujah, You’re worthy to be praised
Heaven helps us all
He still loves me
Hold me, rock me
Hold on, help is on the way
How great is our God
I don’t mind waiting
I love the lord
I smile
I will follow Him
In the sanctuary
Jesus is right here now
Joy, to the world
Joyful, Joyful
King Jesus is A-listening
Lean on me
Let all the people say Amen
Love is a fire
Man in the mirror
My Promise
O happy day
Peace shall be with you
Something’s gotta hold on me
Stand by me
The reason why we sing
Walking on
Welcome into this place
You raise me up
You’re all I need
Unser Weihnachtsrepertoire
Christmas Angels
Hallelujah, Christ is born!
Hallelujah Jesus is born!
Jesus, what a wonderful child
Joy, to the world
Light of the stable
Mary, Mary
Night of silence
Who’s that little baby